Saturday, June 28, 2008

Rich Boys

One of my customers disappeared into a private room a little after midnight and then reappeared at closing time.  He was a young guy, decent looking and buying everyone shots.  His friends were cool enough too- those rare groups of young men who don't need to be there but were looking for something different to do.  One didn't like to be touched- especially by strippers.  

When 'Chad' showed up at 4am he started complaining immediately to me about being ripped off upstairs.  "They kicked us out 15 minutes before our time was up," he told me, "I'm never coming back.  Even the girls agreed that it was too soon."  As if the stripper would disagree with anything he said.  I apologized and asked him if there was anything I could do- careful not to give him the real name of the host that he was accusing (since he was calling him by the wrong name anyway).  Chad told me everything was fine and that he would call management the following day to complain.

Ten minutes later or so, with the lights on and everyone being ushered out, Chad approached me again and laughed, "I'm fine.  I have a trust fund so whatever.  I'll probably be back tomorrow."

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