Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Does Aunt Flow Know You're a Stripper?

My girlfriend asked me yesterday what the dancers did when they got their period. Tampons with a cut string, I told her. She really wanted to know about the whores, and we discussed the alternative options they had. But do they have an honest relationship with the managers to tell them, 'I can't work for the next 5 to 7 days'? Probably. Recently I listened to a girl's loud, sexual moans from a room for a good half hour and the manager did too, but she was never reprimanded as far as I can tell. 

I have had conversations with girls about the ways they tricked their regulars so as not to have to do it- ketchup on a pad, tampon in anyway, crying and complaining, etc. But what does the menstruating hooker do when she's supposed to appear to only be a stripper (keeping the days she's agreed to work)? Take a loss, pay the fee and sit around?  Resort to... clutching my pearls... getting naked on the main floor for less money? I don't think I know the answer, but I bet the master manipulators that make up the sex-for-money crew have plenty of answers and rationalizations.

A while ago a girl was giving a well dressed man a lap dance and bled on his lap. She was horrified, he was disgusted, and the club paid for the dry cleaning. Wonder if that's tax deductible for them.

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