Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

It was a very Christ-less Christmas in the club- as is to be expected. Lights and holly were hanging from railings (holly, not Holly... although that may have happened on a night I wasn't there). A lit tree stood proudly above the main stage from a balcony. And, ironically, nutcrackers stood at attention in random places. I haven't been back to work yet, since before the holiday, but yesterday's start to Kwanzaa's got me wondering whether or not any of the African American strippers will now be out for the week. At the end of one of my shifts last week I heard a white dancer announce to the dressing room that she was leaving and hoped everyone had a great "Christmas and Hanukkah," and then after a short pause, "And Kwanzaa!" Then, right on drunken, late-night, dressing room cue, a black girl jokingly and loudly rang back, "Yeah you better wish me a happy Kwanzaa, bitch!" Everyone laughed and went about their business. Just another day in the office.

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